Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ready, Set, PebbleGO!!!


One of the Websites that I enjoy using in the Computer Lab and on the iPads is

It is a research website
Targeted for elementary (K-2)
It contains 4 databases: Animals, Science, Biographies, Social Studies
Students can independently research
It is interactive (games, images, video, audio)
It follows the national standards
Teachers can integrate it in their lesson plans
It’s awesome! Kids LOVE IT!

Here are the features that make this  a swell site that kiddos can easily navigate that help to supplement social studies and science!!!  It is a great resource for biographies too!
I hope this helps you to READY! SET! PEBBLEGO!!!!


  1. User name is wylieisd
    password is school

  2. That's awesome! I know your sweet baby used it last year during our research activity and found all the answers to her questions. Thanks for sharing Amy!
