Friday, December 4, 2015

Kahoot In Kinder!

I know you just read the title of this blog and thought is she crazy?! After reading another blog about Kahoot I decided to give it a try!

My class is all about technology and are constantly wanting to get on the iPads. Luckily they are still at the age where they will use the iPads correctly! I told my class that we were going to try a new way of learning using the iPads and playing an educational game. They loved it but of course you could see the competition coming out when I told them about it. Before we started we talked about ways to encourage others and that it is okay to make mistakes. We discussed that it is not about which table wins or loses ( yes I know it really is) but that we are trying our best no matter the outcome. The first go around was a little difficult but as we continued playing it got much better. Like I tell my class on a daily basis, practice makes perfect!

I use Kahoot as an incentive in my classroom. If the class as a whole has an outstanding week then on Friday we have our Kahoot Day. I think that Kahoot is a fun way to get the students engaged and learning, which we all know is extremely important! The thing that I really enjoy about Kahoot is that you are able to make your own game so that it can correlate with you lessons. I have used it several times as a way to begin and end lessons or units. Give it a try! I promise it will be worth it :)


  1. My daughter plays Kahoot at the Junior High level weekly! I love that is transitions all the way down to Kinder. I have done 1 so far this year and it was created for me. I am excited (and nervous) to create my own Kahoot soon! I just need to get over my fear of the unknown and do it! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. I love that you are creating this experience for you Kinders! I bet they love Kahoot time!!!!!!!
